We invite you to participate in the Face Validity survey for the Local Governance Process Indicators (LGPI). The LGPI is a survey-based tool that aims to assess governance processes at the individual- and community-level, focusing on how state and non-state actors influence individuals’ perceptions, engagement, and experience of local governance. The Face Validity survey is an important component in our development of the LGPI, as it helps determine the extent to which the LGPI questions gauge various governance processes.

We would like to invite you to engage with us in this effort by reviewing questions in the LGPI household survey. Please be assured that 1) there are no right or wrong answers to the questions we ask, 2) you are free to skip questions you are not comfortable with by choosing the appropriate answer options (I don't Know/No opinion) without penalty,  and 3) the answers you are providing will be  fully anonymous. The data will be analyzed in Sweden, and when the results of this research are published, we will report general results which cannot be used to identify individual participants. We will not collect  sensitive data such as your name, device IP address, email address or any personal information, so please feel free to tell us what you think.  

If you would like to receive an overview of the final study results, have any questions about the study or your rights as a participant, or wish to withdraw your consent at a later time, please contact us via email at contact@gld.gu.se. Always include your survey reference number 267095 and this time stamp 07/27/2024 13:53:42 in your email communication.


Do you understand the information provided above  and are you willing to participate in this survey?

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