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  • (0) [Main Chapter]
    • (89) [Q_89] Urban-Econ has been appointed by the Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment (DFFE) for the assessment, collection of production data and the analysis of freshwater farms in South Africa. The information gathered from this survey will be used to revise the data on the South African freshwater aquaculture sector. The information will further be treated as confidential and only aggregated for quantitative and qualitative analysis. The information completed in this document will be protected and used in adherence to the regulations and requirements as pertained in the Protection of Personal Information Act (POPIA), 2013. The data collected will be used for research purposes only, and your individual responses will remain strictly confidential. Personal details will not be disclosed, shared, or published, ensuring the anonymity and privacy of all participants. As Urban-Econ works to update the existing data concerning freshwater aquaculture in South Africa, inputs from key industry stakeholders would be highly valued! We extend an invitation to all stakeholders to participate in the survey. Note that it will only take 15 minutes to complete the survey. Thank you for your participation. For any further questions or clarity, please feel free to contact the following individuals: Mr M Theron 071 469 7081 marius@urban-econ.com Mr P Kruger 072 589 1394 pierrek@urban-econ.com Ms P Sibanda 012 309 5743 / 066 471 1544 psibanda@dffe.gov.za
    • (1) Consent
      • (1) [Q_1] If you give consent to take part of the survey, please click "I agree" below.
    • (2) Business Details
      • (2) [Q_2] Please provide the name of the business and the business representative
      • (3) [Q_3] Please provide your contact details
      • (4) [Q_4] Please provide your email
    • (3) Enterpise Profiling
      • (92) [Q_92] Section A - Enterprise Profiling The questions in this section will be on enterprise profiling that will focus on the production environment of the business.
      • (5) [Q_5] In which provinces do your aquaculture enterprise operate? Choose all that apply.
      • (6) [Q_6] In which district municipality is/are your enterprise(s) located in?
      • (7) [Q_7] What is the nearest town(s) where your enterprise(s) is/are located?
      • (8) [Q_8] Please provide the address of your farm/facility.
      • (9) [Q_9] In what type of business are you involved in? Choose all that apply.
      • (10) [Q_10] Where do you conduct research in freshwater aquaculture?
      • (11) [Q_11] In what type of freshwater aquaculture research are you involved?
      • (12) [Q_12] For which freshwater species are you manufacturing feed?
      • (13) [Q_13] What is your estimated annual feed sales in kilograms?
      • (14) [Q_14] In what type of fish processing are you involved?
      • (15) [Q_15] What are your estimated annual sales volumes for your chosen products?
      • (16) [Q_16] Which equipment do you supply to freshwater farmers?
      • (17) [Q_17] Which systems do you supply to freshwater farmers?
      • (18) [Q_18] Is your farming business operational?
      • (19) [Q_19] Which of the following operations is included in your farming business? Choose all that apply.
      • (20) [Q_20] Why is your farming business non-operational?
      • (21) [Q_21] Please choose from the list which best describe your situation. Choose all that apply.
      • (22) [Q_22] For how many years have your business been in operation?
      • (23) [Q_23] Please select the reason(s) for your business closure. Choose all that apply.
      • (24) [Q_24] What are your current business challenges related to aquaculture? Choose all that apply.
      • (25) [Q_25] Are you a member of any freshwater aquaculture associations?
      • (26) [Q_26] From which association(s) are you a member of? Choose all that apply.
      • (27) [Q_27] What type of animal or aquatic organism do you farm with? Choose all that apply.
      • (28) [Q_28] Please choose which fish(es) your farm operates with. Choose multiple options if applicable.
      • (29) [Q_29] Please provide your annual production volumes for the following fish
      • (30) [Q_30] Please provide your farm gate price for the following species
      • (31) [Q_31] Please provide your average market weight for the following species in grams
      • (32) [Q_32] Please choose which ornamental fish(es) your farm operates with. Choose multiple options if applicable.
      • (33) [Q_33] Please provide your annual production volumes in tonnes for your selected species
      • (34) [Q_34] Please provide your annual production volumes in number of fish for your selected species
      • (35) [Q_35] Please provide the price per fish per kg or the quantity of fish being sold and their respective price.
      • (36) [Q_36] Please indicate if the previous question was quoted for R/kg or Price per quantity
      • (37) [Q_37] Please provide the total weight of fish stock on your farm in kg.
      • (38) [Q_38] Please confirm whether you farm with the Nile Crocodile specie or select 'Other' if you farm with a different crocodile specie.
      • (39) [Q_39] Why do you engage in crocodile farming? Choose all that apply
      • (40) [Q_40] What is the number of crocodiles on your farm?
      • (41) [Q_41] What is the annual production volumes of crocodile skin in tonnes?
      • (42) [Q_42] Please provide your selling price for your crocodile skin in Rand per cm
      • (43) [Q_43] Please provide your annual production volumes for your crocodile meat in tonnes
      • (44) [Q_44] Please provide your selling price for your crocodile meat in Rand per kg
      • (45) [Q_45] Which production system are you utilising at your freshwater farm? Choose all that apply.
      • (46) [Q_46] How many units of the chosen production system are currently in use on your farm?
      • (47) [Q_47] What is the total water volume that you currently utilise? (Litre)
      • (48) [Q_48] How would you categorise your current farming business?
      • (49) [Q_49] What is the number of your permanent and seasonal workforce?
      • (50) [Q_50] How many of your employees fills the following positions?
      • (51) [Q_51] How many of your employees are
      • (52) [Q_52] What is your main source of water that you use for your farming operations?
      • (53) [Q_53] What is your main source of electricity.
      • (54) [Q_54] What major challenges do you experience regarding electricity? Choose all that apply.
      • (55) [Q_55] How do you adapt to loadshedding? Choose all that apply.
      • (56) [Q_56] Did you receive any training in freshwater aquaculture farming?
      • (57) [Q_57] What kind of training or education do you have in freshwater aquaculture? Choose all that apply.
    • (4) Enterpise Market and Supply
      • (93) [Q_93] Section B - Enterpise Market and Supply The questions in this section will be on enterprise market and supply, with the focus on the marketing environment and suppliers of the business.
      • (58) [Q_58] In what market do you sell your products? Choose all that apply.
      • (59) [Q_59] Please specify in what local market do you sell your products? Choose all that apply.
      • (60) [Q_60] Please specify in what international market do you sell your products? Choose all that apply.
      • (61) [Q_61] How do your products get to the market? Choose all that apply.
      • (62) [Q_62] How far, in kilometers, is the primary market or buyer location from your production site?
      • (63) [Q_63] Do you currently have any formal agreements in place with buyers for the purchase of your goods?
      • (64) [Q_64] In what form is your product sold? Choose all that apply.
      • (65) [Q_65] Where are your products being sold? Choose all that apply.
      • (66) [Q_66] Please specify the preferred weight, in grams, at which you sell your goods for the selected options.
      • (67) [Q_67] Please provide the market price you receive for your goods for the selected options.
      • (68) [Q_68] Do you have any food safety certifications?
      • (69) [Q_69] Do you make use of veterinary services for your fish/freshwater specie?
      • (70) [Q_70] Which veterinary company do you make use of?
      • (71) [Q_71] Who are your main suppliers of feed?
      • (72) [Q_72] Who are your main suppliers of fingerlings?
      • (73) [Q_73] Who are your main suppliers when it comes to water quality treatments?
      • (74) [Q_74] Who are your main suppliers of infrastructure and equipment?
    • (5) Enterprise Financing
      • (94) [Q_94] Section C - Enterprise Financing The questions in this section will be on enterprise financing that will focus on the financial environment of the business.
      • (75) [Q_75] Do you receive funding?
      • (76) [Q_76] What type of funding do you receive? Choose all that apply.
      • (77) [Q_77] What is the total business funding in Rand?
      • (78) [Q_78] What are your funding sources? Choose all that apply.
      • (79) [Q_79] What amount of the total funding is received from the government?
      • (80) [Q_80] Under which threshold does your business fall?
      • (81) [Q_81] What is your annual income?
    • (6) Background Information
      • (95) [Q_95] Section D - Background Information The following questions are designed to gather basic information about you.
      • (82) [Q_82] What is your gender?
      • (83) [Q_83] What is your race?
      • (84) [Q_84] What is your home language?
      • (85) [Q_85] What is your age?
      • (86) [Q_86] What is your highest level of education?
      • (87) [Q_87] What is your nationality?
      • (88) [Q_88] If you have any additional information to provide, please do so.
    • (7) Closure
      • (96) [Q_96] Thank you for completing the survey!!
Urban-Econ has been appointed by the Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment (DFFE) for the assessment, collection of production data and the analysis of freshwater farms in South Africa.

The information gathered from this survey will be used to revise the data on the South African freshwater aquaculture sector. The information will further be treated as confidential and only aggregated for quantitative and qualitative analysis.

The information completed in this document will be protected and used in adherence to the regulations and requirements as pertained in the Protection of Personal Information Act (POPIA), 2013. The data collected will be used for research purposes only, and your individual responses will remain strictly confidential. Personal details will not be disclosed, shared, or published, ensuring the anonymity and privacy of all participants.

As Urban-Econ works to update the existing data concerning freshwater aquaculture in South Africa, inputs from key industry stakeholders would be highly valued! We extend an invitation to all stakeholders to participate in the survey. Note that it will only take 15 minutes to complete the survey.

Thank you for your participation.

For any further questions or clarity, please feel free to contact the following individuals:

Mr M Theron
071 469 7081

Mr P Kruger
072 589 1394

Ms P Sibanda
012 309 5743 / 066 471 1544

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